Conflict Transformation and Mediation

“So hope for a great sea-change
On the far side of revenge.
Believe that a farther shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in miracles
And cures and healing wells.” -Seamus Heaney, The Cure of Troy

Conflict is present everywhere in our lives, in every context and every relationship, expressed in various forms, levels, dimensions, and intensity. In recognition of the multi-faceted reality of conflict, TCRJ offers multiple services based on a comprehensive, systemic approach that provides guidelines, analytical tools and practical nonviolent skills and strategies to transform conflict from a dangerous and divisive process into a possibility for building relationships of reconciliation.

Each service provided by TCRJ is designed to be highly participatory and to empower individuals, organizations and community groups to be engaged in collaborative efforts to become agents of change for sustainable reconciliation and peacebuilding in their own context.

TCRJ services can be provided in English, Spanish, French and Italian.


  • Training and workshops on Conflict Transformation: TCRJ has an extensive experience in providing basic training and training for trainers on theoretical understandings of conflict and practical skills to address and transform conflicts through nonviolent methods, including Mediation.
  • Conference Presentations on the role and importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution processes.
  • Technical assistance to governments: Under USAID-funded justice sector projects, TCRJ has provided technical assistance to governments on alternative procedures to conflicts within and outside the court proceedings to strengthen the rule of law and civil society participation.
  • Mediations: TCRJ has facilitated numerous mediations between parts in conflict, in court settings, at inter-personal level and in communities.
  • Dialogues and Circle Facilitations: TCRJ has provided these types of nonviolent applications to conflict to address community needs and difficult issues (i.e.: domestic and gender violence, gang issues, race and power issues, issues of mistrust between police and community members…).
  • Workshops on Nonviolent Strategies for Change: TCRJ has helped groups and communities develop concrete, strategic plans to reduce violence and build just and peaceful structures and relationships.
  • Restorative alternative approaches to disciplinary measures in schools: TCRJ helps school communities and families to address conflicts and harming behavior such as bullying, offering innovative and restorative ways of responding to violence and building a culture of peace.

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