TCRJ has a variety of training manuals and teaching materials on Restorative Justice and Conflict Transformation in English, French, Italian and Spanish. In addition, Marinetta Cannito Hjort has published the following:
- 2017. La Trasformazione dei Conflitti. Un percorso formativo, Claudiana, Torino. (Title in English: Conflict Transformation: A Formative Journey). See:
- 2012. Frontiers, Identity and Conflict (Frontiere, Identità e Conflitto), in Gioventù Evangelica (Summer 2012):27-29.
- 2011. Do Not Kill: Rebuilding the Shalom (Non Uccidere: Ricostruire lo Shalom), in Riforma (18 February):3.
- 2009. Restorative Justice (Giustizia Rigenerativa), in Il Seminatore (April-June):11-13.
- 2008. Restorative Justice and Organized Crime: A Challenge to Overcome the Culture of Mafia, in Transformation and Restorative Justice Manual: 320-323.
- 2007. Restorative Justice: Promise and Challenge for a Social Transformation (La Giustizia Rigenerativa: Promessa e Sfida per una Trasformazione Sociale), in Mediares 9/2007 (January-June): 169-197.
- 2005. Siate Pazienti Con Noi: George Lakey, Attivista Statunitense Parla agli Europei, in Odissea (3/ Gennaio-Febbraio):8-9, (Translation from the article Have Patience With Us: An American Activist Speaks to Europeans, written by George Lakey specifically for Odissea.)
- 2005. Restorative Justice: Process for a Personal and Collective Transformation (Giustizia Rigenerativa: Percorso per una Trasformazione Personale e Collettiva), in Arca Notizie (July/September):2-4
- 2004. Justpeace: la Sfida del XXI Secolo, in Satyagraha (5):49-59 (Translation from: John Paul Lederach. 1999. Justpeace: The Challenge of the 21st Century. In People Building Peace: 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World. European Centre for Conflict Prevention eds. Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 27-36.)
- 2004. Gli Accordi di Ginevra come Atto di Resistenza Nonviolenta, in Satyagraha (5):187-194, (Translation from the article The Geneva Accord as Nonviolent Resistance, written by Michal Reifen specifically for Satyagraha.)
- 2003. A Perspective of Hope: Restorative Justice (Una Prospettiva di Speranza: La Giustizia Rigenerativa), in Satyagraha (4):83-96.
- 1999. A Future of Hope (Un Futuro di Speranza), in Riforma (4 December):12.